claire bOucl @ our Opening...@ petit paris café my illustrations are just behind
claire boucl amazing window installation
spring is here!!!!!
capUcine dressed up
timOthé dressed up too
régis and his Kalimba
the day i made a mini world.....
i lOve babOOshka dOlls....i can't wait to go to russia one day
our little mascotte when we do a gig
the mOst beautiful garden: maryse my mOther in law.....goddess with green hands
12 cats on maryse bed
the day we went to Valberg ski station to do a puppet shOw!!we thought we would never make it, but we did and it was amazing!!!
me and my lovely goccO machine!!! i love it...i made nice postcards....except that i ve been carrying it so much i don't know where i've put it
siMon et régis the alchemists
in my kitchen
i lOve nature
nO comment
weird ustensiles and machinery at kabuki's mum kiné doctor 's rOom.....
it was a warm sunny sunday and we made the, celine with petit pois et emmanuelle esther and many mOre.....
i lOve this !!!
mOre snOw on our balcony
the puppet i made for the puppet show we made with régis
i had to get sOme of that but i did want to break it
when it snowed in my village bézaudun les alpes
did i mention that i LOOOOOOOOve yoshitomo nara???
a cute little scenery in a gallery in Nice
i Love le petit Paris my friend's marianna café in Nice
ahaha that's what im dreaming about...
me, dreaming while eating with celine ...
loic and jean baptiste
me, enjoying loic's slide show
william kayne in Paris....very smart looking
this very very special picture is making me cOok more cakes
régis in the metrO when we went to Paris for a gig
this is what we should with the top Of poireaux vegetable
i love this picture found in régis old books soooo inspiring
a beautiful horse from the farm next to us
ohoh that's me....
why do i like lights so much
sweet memories frOm my childhOOd chapi chapo rules!!!
cute Bow hairpin given to me by emmanuelle esther...
i used to draw swans all the time when i was a kid..i once saw a black swans famili in new zealand:fantastic!!
my windOw with cute paper cuts and the name of our bands
the Ones that keep me company when i draw...
anOther great find in a flea market in Nice
little cat i lOve 50's porcelein.....
Ouiiiii i lOve barbapaapa in my kitchen
rainbow of the feutres.....
it toOk me sooo long to arrange these pens (feutres in french)
another frind of mine found in a flee market in Nice
admiring the view frOm my balcony....
gOupil my other cat wearing a bOw by emmanuel esther
PAtOu my cat with sOme leggings made by my friend emmanuel esther
kiki my Old time friend
this my biOgraphy....
barbapaapa et chapi chapo yiiiiiiiiihii!!!!!!!The top!! chapi chapi pilili, chapi chapo pololo hahahahahaha yeiii yiii hiiiii!!!j´en ai vu sur youtube...ET LA MUSIOQUE ALORS????LA MUSIQUE TROP BONNE, ELECTRO POUR L´EPOQUE YEAAAA_paul
barbapaapa et chapi chapo yiiiiiiiiihii!!!!!!!The top!!
chapi chapi pilili, chapi chapo pololo hahahahahaha yeiii yiii hiiiii!!!j´en ai vu sur youtube...ET LA MUSIOQUE ALORS????LA MUSIQUE TROP BONNE, ELECTRO POUR L´EPOQUE YEAAAA_paul
WAOWWHH tous ces feutres waaaow, iiiinspiring!!j´en ai jamais eu autant ;(
PS: voulu
autant maintenant que je travaille.
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