ah! i think i deserve this LittLe yummy pLate! Organic quinoa with chestnuts, raisins, avocado, tomatoe, basiL and a Veggie gaLette fLat cake..aLL that in the sun...
BonjOur! Today im very busy setting my OnLine vintage store...with posters and postcards Like these!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Did i ever teLL u how much i Love Nounours...puppet animation from my childhood... why is it that people stopped making these instead of 3D animated horrible cartoon i see on tv nOwadays?such a shame...weLL i wiLL show old videotapes to Anouki that's for sure... we went to Régis's parents home and picked figues.Miam! and i don't usually like cLown they scare me but i Love this wooden one he would be perfect for a cartoon (maybe we should try to make our own stop animated movies for kids) i've been inspired by fine Little shOp to do my own Little shop with things i've coLLected over the years...so it wiLL be avaiLabLe sOon...
Bonjour! here is the videO we made for a cover competition, we chose 'here comes the sun' by the BeatLes: we had so much fun making it...i do LooK a bit siLLy but neverMind!heehee enjOy
aLors! hej ! hOpe you're aLL weLL...i just received another parceL , from Danemark this time SmafOLk a great kid's clothes company that does organic coton stuff and i Love the 70's styLe tees...Régis was happy to receive a parceL from America, he was asked a few months ago to contribute to Stephanie SimeK jewellery 's project. So here is the finaL product : a piece of jeweLLery made out of a tape, a cd with one song Régis did under his music name oOMiaq...it Looks so good!
stationnary and Magazine from Uguisu online store here
Emma Adbage booK!how great!
a new bag from H&M
Le Loir dans la théire café
régis 's drawings on MUJI paper
WeLL heLLo!!! im finaLLy back!!!ah how i missed my moutain! it's so much cooLer here and this morning i saw the sun rise...im bLessed! today we have wonderfuL friends on hoLiday with us! (AustraLian and gerMan couPle) so we're gonna show them around and make a video...take a look at this one it's amazing!! here
Thursday, August 20, 2009
OK im back from Paris!! and i'LL post some pictures sOon...hope you are all weLL...
a cute Little hat...Anouki got the funniest one from tata PrysciLLe's holiday in sweden/i'LL show you soOn...
AdoLf born boOk we have at hOme
we are stiLL in Paris; we wanted to go to 'l au petit bonheur la chance" store but it was closed we wanted to go to "bonton" store but it was closed we wanted to go to the"swedish institute" but it was closed we wanted to go to "petit atelier" but it was closed ok not so great to go to Paris in August hehe. SoOn we'LL be home and i wiLL have a LOt things i've ordered in my postbox ...im excited! and aLso i'LL be able to show you some pictures i took before i run out of battery. the weather was reaLLy hot today, we stayed in the garden... hOpe u aLL had a good day...
WeLL...i was very happy to meet Yasu froM the BLog AAA we had a drink at 'Le loir and la theire' rue des rosiers...it was so nice and we also went rue St PauL where there is tones of nice shops. today im going second hand shopping with ChLoé, CamiLLe and PrysciLLe! talK sOOn