Thursday, August 13, 2009


WeLL...i was very happy to meet Yasu froM the BLog AAA we had a drink at 'Le loir and la theire' rue des was so nice and we also went rue St PauL where there is tones of nice shops.
today im going second hand shopping with ChLoé, CamiLLe and PrysciLLe!
talK sOOn


yu yasutake said...

coucou gini, c'etait un plaisir de te rencontre! j'espere qu'on peut se voir avant que tu partes.

mieke willems said...

oh, must have been nice to meet that nice blogger! :)

Mandoline said...

merci pour ton comment tt gentil! :)
on se revoit bientot avec plaisir! je vais a paris fin aout, mais vous serez peut etre deja rentrés?