potatoes + avocado mixed with lemon, ginger and soft tofu.
bonjour les amis!! how are you? me super good, manage to go to the open air swimming pool today. 30 minutes non stop swimming looking at the sky or trees. as you can see i've been cooking a lot lately... i realised that my passions i life are cooking, loving, anything to do with japan, drawing, singing, gardening (yes we have a tiny veggie patch: so far we grow parsley, salad and corn), blogging (meeting lovely & creative people). talk soon
an improvised show of my work in front of our garden a scarecrow we made food we eat a stamp we love me as a kid
Friday, July 16, 2010
horses, flowers, camping....
Friday, July 2, 2010
i was so happy & lucky to receive gorgeous things from BEci Orpin!!! (amazingly talented Australian designer& mum) thank you so much Beci, u rule!! check her two labels ad her blog: beci orpin shop beci orpin blog tiny mammoth