Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Bonne année à tOus..... Hippy nEw yeAr everyOne
with lOts of lOve frOm oOm, gini and ANOUKI

Monday, December 22, 2008

Pomme de nöel and beautiful scenery

Pomme de Noël et decoratiOns

On the way hOme from the hospital

At my brother's house 4 days befOre Anouki was bOrn....4 days after the fUll mOon

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Friday, December 5, 2008

the flyer ....

the flyer we made fOr our next
shOw Saturday 17 Janvier 2009
at the médiathèque Louis Nucera in Nice....

elle repasseras par là.....i like the grey aswell...

Thursday, December 4, 2008

new card on etsy...

Ouiiiiii it's almOst xmas!!! i can't wait

we already have the snOw...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

snOw early...

spOons i made fOr anOuki

Oil and vinegar

regis beautifUL drawing

crêpes i made miam!

michelle beautiful presents all the way frOm sydney....

BonjOur, today im making bags and postcards for the xmas market Of cOursegoules...
just passing time as anouki is coming real sOon....